Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Korean Comic: How To Fight Manhwa Recap chapter 2/School Fighting Manhwa/ Webtoons

From a bully to a mocking stock- Jiksae turns from a bully to a victim

How to fight manhwa is an action manhwa. I gave a summary of how to fight. Click Here and read it before reading this post.

Jiksae, a bully, turns into a laughingstock overnight. Jiksae turned from a bully to one that gets bullied. 

Click Here to read what made Jiksae turn into a laughing stock to understand this blog post.

When everyone in school watched the video of Jiksae and Yoo ho bin’s fight, they insulted Yoo ho bin and Jiksae.

Their classmate called them an embarrassment to Korea.

Jiksae got to school that morning, hoping everyone would forget about the video, but no one did. 

His classmate made fun of him, calling him a New tube star. Jiksae became everyone’s target of mockery.

Jiksae didn’t want to get picked on. So he planned to change the game and pick on someone else so everyone won’t focus on him anymore.

He planned to aim for the week and make them the victim. So he scanned through the class and sighted a chubby guy playing game, then thought to himself; now this is it.

Jiksae slapped the guy on the head, calling him an otaku.

Guess what happened next?

The OTAKU guy beat him up. He jumped on top of Jiksae and kept punching him. His plan didn’t work. Jiksae tried to reach out to Pakgo for help, but Pakgo laughed at him and joined everyone, mocking Jiksae.

Jiksae understood the politics of the school and how it worked. That’s the reason he clung to Pakgo from the start to survive.

He set up various political maneuvers to not get picked on, but all he built crumbled due to the video uploaded on the new tube.

While Yoo ho bin skipped school that day. He’s 

overwhelmed by the fact he made up to 10,000,000 won. 

Yoo Ho bin paid his mother’s hospital bill in full. He didn’t care about the cost because now he’s a millionaire.

Yoo ho bin wasn’t bothered that leaving the video online was like him selling his dignity because he has always been an object of ridicule, so there’s nothing more to lose.

It was a gain for Ho bin but a loss for Jiksae. Jiksae cried to Ho bin about the video, begging him to take it down, but Ho bin wasn’t going to do that.

Well, Jiksae finally gets a taste of his own medicine. Now he knows how it feels to get bullied.

Jiksae tried to beat Ho bin, who fought back because he wasn’t afraid. So they fought again.

After they calmed down, Ho bin told Jiksae he would be taking the money made from the video.

Since Jiksae has become an object of mockery, what else can he lose?

Check out this video on How to fight.

YouTube- How To Fight

He then tries to collaborate with Yoo ho bin to make videos.

Jiksae proposed a magnificent plan to ho bin.

What’s this plan?

To be continued.

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