Monday, March 20, 2023

Top Best Villaness Manhwa To Read - Cinderella Wasn’t Me/ Manhwa Recap and Review


From a poor Crybaby to a Rich Warrior Princess

Terryl had a lover named Jemon Delbrik. Jemon Delbrik is a good-looking guy with soft blonde hair and blue eyeballs. He’s like a fairytale prince.

Jemon, Terryl’s lover, with the support of his wealthy parents, turned into a prince, but terry had nothing.

All Terryl had was her pretty face, a pretty girl by the side of a prince. Rumors spread saying she used her beautiful looks to seduce the prince. That‘s how she got nicknamed Terryl Cinderella.

Terryl was never happy in her relationship with Jemon. It was only at the beginning she felt loved, but later Jemon changed.

Though Terryl loved Jemon, Jemon never loved her. She knew about this but kept clinging to him, hoping one day, this would change.

Then one day, Jemon broke Terryl’s heart by telling her he’s engaged to another woman, Princess Gretel.

Jemon gave Terryl a silly excuse that he had to secure his position as the Marquis Successor.

Jemon had an older brother named Cesio Delbrik. He can’t walk or speak. So everyone knows Cesio can’t be the successor but Jemon’s mother, the Marchioness, is wary of Cesio.

The Marchioness poisoned her son’s mind Jemon since he was a child saying, Cesio would still everything from him.

Due to that, the Marchioness is being treated like a Lunatic, and that scared Jemon because he loved his mother so much.

But Duke Gretel Guaranteed Jemon the Marquis position if he got married to his daughter.

Jemon didn't consider Terryl’s feelings. He was only after wealth and fame. 

Terryl broke into tears and felt hopeless. She poured the tea Jemon offered her before he announced his engagement, on his head and walked out of the room in anger and pain.

Terryl said this before she left the room, ‘Jemon, You’re doomed.’

As Terryl walked out of Jemon’s mansion she came across Cesio, his brother, who saw her crying and gave her a handkerchief.

She wiped her tears and left. Her eyes were all swollen and red on her way home and she worried about how her mother would feel if she saw her like that.

When Terryl returned home expecting to get welcomed by her mother, she sees different unfamiliar faces staring at her in front of her house.

This sacred Terryl and she wondered who they could be. Then one of the unfamiliar faces walked up to her and introduced himself as Denil Lontar. 

Denil called Terryl by her full name Winterglass Terryl, which was a surprise to her. 

As she was about to ask the strangers to identify themselves, she heard a noise from within the house and saw a man drag her mother out of the house.

Terryl then ran to her mother's side, asking if she was alright.

Terryl confronted the strange man holding her mother’s arms and told him to let go.

Little did she know that this man was her father.

She looked exactly like him. Even her mana aura was like her father's. Terryl’s mother hid the truth from her that her father was alive.

The strange man then introduced himself as the Duke of the North, Rihan. Rihan said he came here to find his daughter and successor. 

Rihan is in the Northern part of the country and it’s a very cold land.

Her father is the Duke of that land. Rihan‘s known as a hero during his peak with a great amount of power and he contributed to countless wars.

The Rihan family is the family with the largest number of lands and titles in the empire.

Terryl’s amazed to find out the truth that her father is such a great man because she suffered for so long with her mother.

The guards escorted Terryl and her mother to Whitepool, her father’s kingdom, the Northern part of the empire, Rihan Duchy.

The Whitepool is crazy far from the capital where Terryl and her mother lived. So Terryl wondered how they would get to Whitepool in no time.

To her surprise, her powerful father opened a portal and teleported them there.

When they got to Whitepool, Terryl’s mother and her long-lost father were arguing, so Terryl had to wait in her room.

But all these were too much for Terryl to take in. In a day so many dramas happened; she realized her lover was engaged to another woman, she got dumped, and then her biological father came for her.

In a moment, Terryl Cinderella became the daughter of the most powerful man in the empire, Terryl Rihan.

Now, Terryl seeks revenge on her ex-lover Jemon.

Watch out for part 2.

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